My self SHIVA
This is my first ever html Design in html.
- HTML STANDS for ("hypertext markup language").It's a markup language "means here we use tags to design a page "
its not a programming language because it doesn't contain any decision control statement such as in C AND C++ i.e
"if","while" ,"for" loops etc.
- HTML as we say earlier is a markup language that web browser use to interpret and compose text, images and other material
into visual or audible web pages.
- HTML is a case insensitive language
- HTML file has an .html extension
- HTML is developed by "WORLD WEB CONSORTIUM"
- We are currently using "HTML 5"
- Now,question arises-- How HTML works and where the idea developed to make the HTML this whole funda we will understand later on....
- 1989 - Tim Berners-Lee began to come up with the concept of HTML as he was working with CERN. Soon the internet was invented by him.
- 1991 - Tim kept his ideas open to the public online, trying his best to spread his work. Along with this, late in the year the WWW-talk was created as a mailing system.
- 1993 - Version 1 of Mosaic Browser was released for the Sun Microsystems's Inc. This extended features, including images, forms, and lists. There was starting of another browser as well, the Arena Browser.
- 1995 - HTML 2.0 and soon 3.0 was created by T. Berners-Lee and D. Connolly. This lasted all the way up to January 1997.
- 1998 - W3C membership stopped evolving HTML. Instead work began on an XML-based equal, named XHTML. This was a reformulation of HTML 4.0 into XML code, also known as XHTML 1.0.
- 2003 - Publication of XForm sparked a renewed interest in HTML itself, rather than finding replacements for it. This came to mind as realization that XML was limited to new technologies
- 2007 - Working group chartered to work with WHATWG for development of HTML5. Apple, Mozilla, and Opera allowed W3C to publish specification under W3C copyright.
- 1990 - Internet was now invented in the early time of the year. For the start of it, hypertext was being introduced to the Web.
- 1992 - Joseph Hardin and Dave Thompson caught wind of Tim's ideas of HTML. Later the IMG tag was introduced by the Mosaic Team.
- 1994 - HTML 2.0 is beginning to be formed and readying for release. HTML was to include everything 1.0 had with new added features.
- 1997 - HTML 3.2 is completed and released to the public. Later in the year, HTML 4.0 is created.
- 2000 - Parts of API for HTML was specified and published under names of DOM Level 1, DOM Level 2 CORE, and DOM Level 2 HTML. These efforts were soon stopped, due to DOM Level 3 specifications.
- 2004 - HTML's evolution was reopened and began being tested on, starting on HTML5 as well as early draft proposals. Soon, Apple, Mozilla, and Opera jointly announced their intent to continue working on this effort.
?? I know you can't read the whole page , I know it seems so boring but if you comming up with a little more intrest and you are not satisfied so, you can more read it about more on here.....
- This is the Question?? where we confused,If you study any programming language such as (C,C++ or any other). Here, we write any code(called source code) if you compile (using IDE) it is a commands for computer to perform an any operation so, we called it a "Program".
- In programming language we also take a decision using any kind of "for"loop ,"while loop" etc.. etc...
- But, when we comming to HTML here "we not giving any command first" or also "here, we cannot take any kind of decision" so that is clear it is not a programming language.... it's right as we see its definition its HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE
- so, Its a MARKUP LANGUAGE which means according to google-- A computer language that consists of easily understood keywords, names, or tags that help format the overall view of a page and the data it contains. Some examples of a markup language are BBC, HTML, SGML, and XML.